Rad Myco Barter Faire

Saturday, Sept. 28

1:00 PM  

In the spirit of the nutrient exchanges that occur between mycorrhizal (soil-dwelling) plants and fungi, the Rad Myco Barter Faire is a space of free exchange for mycofolk to gift, showcase, or barter their fungi-inspired goods. A complement to the Mycelial Marketplace of local vendors and non-profits, which runs throughout Rad Myco, the Barter Faire runs during Saturday’s lunch in Brown Bottle Farm’s central yard.

To take part, come prepared with a blanket and other display items to showcase your offerings.

Note: Psiloc[yb]in-containing products of any form are not allowed at Rad Myco or the Rad Myco Barter Faire. Attendees who bring any such products will be aksed to leave.